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Guttman scale

  • 1 Guttman scale

    соц. шкала Гуттмана (шкала для измерения установок; набор высказываний разной степени интенсивности, с которыми респондент соглашается или нет)

    To measure attitudes, a Guttman scale is sometimes devised. It is a battery of statements with increasing rigidity of attitudes. The following is an example of a Guttman scale measuring the discriminative attitude: Should refugees be allowed to live in the same neighbourhood as others? Do you find refugees living in your neighbourhood acceptable? Would you accept a refugee as a close friend? Would you marry a refugee? — Для измерения установок иногда используется шкала Гуттмана. Это совокупность утверждений с возрастающей ригидностью установок. Вот пример шкалы Гуттмана для измерения отношения к дискриминации: Должно ли быть позволено беженцам проживать в тех же кварталах, что и другим? Согласились ли бы Вы жить по соседству с беженцами? Мог бы быть беженец Вашим близким другом? Вы бы заключили брак с беженцем?


    Англо-русский экономический словарь > Guttman scale

  • 2 Guttman scale

    • Guttman-asteikko

    English-Finnish dictionary > Guttman scale

  • 3 Guttman scale

    шкала Гутмана (Гуттмана); метод обработки данных анкет (шкалограммный анализ, предложенный Л. Гутманом), в которых допускаются ответы респондентов только в виде "да" или "нет".
    * * *
    шкала Гутмана (Гуттмана); метод обработки данных анкет (шкалограммный анализ, предложенный Л. Гутманом), в которых допускаются ответы респондентов только в виде "да" или "нет".

    Англо-русский словарь по социологии > Guttman scale

  • 4 Guttman scale

    Психология: шкала Гутмена (тип шкал для тестов достижений, интеллекта, в которых предполагается, что задания упорядочены по трудности, а их выполнение испытуемыми описывается кривыми зависимости "задание-ответ")

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Guttman scale

  • 5 Guttman-asteikko

    • Guttman scale

    Suomi-Englanti sanakirja > Guttman-asteikko

  • 6 Guttman

    * análisis escalar de Guttman = Guttman scale analysis.
    * * *
    * análisis escalar de Guttman = Guttman scale analysis.

    Spanish-English dictionary > Guttman

  • 7 scale

    I 1. сущ.
    1) общ. чаша [чашки, платформа\] весов

    This was a fine fish, the bone of which measured 10 feet, and turned the scale at almost 20 cwts. — Это была замечательная рыба, ее длина составляла 10 футов, а вес — почти 20 центнеров.

    to put on scales — класть на весы, взвешивать

    The robot was then put on the scales, and to our horror it weighed 115 kg! — Потом робота положили на весы, и, к нашей чести, выяснилось, что он весил 115 кг!

    balance 1. 4)
    2. гл.
    1) общ. взвешивать, определять вес
    2) общ. весить
    II 1. сущ.
    а) общ. шкала, градация; иерархия, лестница

    social scale — социальная лестница [иерархия\]

    б) эк. шкала (упорядоченный перечень цен или ставок, напр., шкала заработной платы, шкала налоговых ставок, шкала цен, шкала комиссионных по различным банковским операциям и т. п.)
    в) мет. шкала (для измерения чего-л.; напр., шкала для оценки социальной информации, собираемой в процессе опроса, наблюдения или анализа документов, шкала для оценки силы землетрясений и т. п.)

    This Likert scale measures respondents' attitudes towards their personal and professional future. — Шкала Лайкерта измеряет установки респондентов по отношению к их личному и профессиональному будущему.

    2) общ. размах, охват, масштаб; объем; уровень

    scale of activity — масштаб [размах\] деятельности

    scale of production — масштаб [объем\] производства

    scale of living — уровень жизни, жизненный уровень

    3) общ. масштаб; относительный размер, относительная величина

    a scale of 1:10 000 — масштаб 1 к 10 000

    2. сущ.
    общ. сводить к определенному масштабу, представлять в определенном масштабе

    * * *
    масштаб, размер, охват, шкала, уровень: 1) ставка зарплаты для определенной категории работников; 2) подробные данные о выпуске серийных облигаций: срок, цена, ставка, число облигаций (США); 3) шкала ставок или комиссий банка по различным операциям; 4) объем производства в выражении "экономия в результате роста масштаба производства"; см. diseconomy of scale; 5) весы (обычно - scales).
    * * *
    . Если банк предлагает различные ставки процентов по депозитным сертификатам, то говорят, что банк 'вводит шкалу'. Дилеры по коммерческим бумагам также используют шкалу . Инвестиционная деятельность .
    * * *
    Международные перевозки/Таможенное право
    системы норм погрузки-выгрузки навалочных грузов, меняющихся в зависимости от размеров перевозимой партии груза или от ставки оплаты грузовых работ
    Банки/Банковские операции
    банк, который предлагает уплачивать различные ставки процента по депозитным сертификатам разных сроков

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > scale

  • 8 scale

    1. шкала; инструмент (линейка);
    2. алгоритм, позволяющий осуществлять измерения;
    3. ряд величин, находящихся в восходящем или нисходящем порядке.
    * * *
    1) шкала; инструмент (линейка);
    2) алгоритм, позволяющий осуществлять измерения;
    3) ряд величин, находящихся в восходящем или нисходящем порядке.

    Англо-русский словарь по социологии > scale

  • 9 Guttman, Louis

    соц. Гуттман, Луис (1916-1987; американский социолог, внес вклад в развитие эмпирических методов в социологии, известен разработкой шкалы измерения установок, названной его именем)

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > Guttman, Louis

  • 10 scale, Guttman

    шкала Гутмана (Гуттмана); метод обработки данных анкет (шкалограммный анализ, предложенный Л. Гутманом), в которых допускаются ответы респондентов только в виде "да" или "нет".

    Англо-русский словарь по социологии > scale, Guttman

  • 11 análisis escalar de Guttman

    Ex. Guttman scale analysis is a statistical technique designed both for selecting items to make up a unidimensional scale along which individuals may be scored, and as a hypothesis-testing technique for determining whether a set of individuals adequately fit a scale, or whether a scale adequately reflects observed response patterns.
    * * *

    Ex: Guttman scale analysis is a statistical technique designed both for selecting items to make up a unidimensional scale along which individuals may be scored, and as a hypothesis-testing technique for determining whether a set of individuals adequately fit a scale, or whether a scale adequately reflects observed response patterns.

    Spanish-English dictionary > análisis escalar de Guttman

  • 12 attitude scale

    соц., псих. шкала отношений, шкала для измерения установок (инструмент для изучения отношения к чему-л., обычно состоящий из определений, утверждений или других высказываний об изучаемом объекте, с которыми респондент может полностью или в некоторой степени согласиться либо полностью не согласиться)

    The second measure was a 26-item Likert-type attitude scale on the desirability of a career orientation of women, the compatibility of career and family roles, the femininity of career women, and women's ability to achieve intellectual excellence. — Вторым критерием была шкала отношений Лайкерта, состоящая из 26 пунктов, измеряющая карьерные ориентации женщин, совместимость карьеры и семьи, женственность карьеристок, и способность женщины достигнуть интеллектуального совершенства.


    Англо-русский экономический словарь > attitude scale

  • 13 ordinal scale

    стат. порядковая шкала (шкала, состоящая из переменных, которые могут быть упорядочены по количественному признаку, но при этом абсолютные значения этих количеств или интервал между ними невозможно измерить; напр., упорядочение политических партий по степени "левизны" или товаров в порядке предпочтительности потребителем)

    When a teacher ranks his students from "most studious" to "least studious," he is using an ordinal scale of measurement. — Когда преподаватель классифицирует своих студентов от "наиболее прилежных" до "наименее прилежных", он использует порядковую шкалу измерения.


    Англо-русский экономический словарь > ordinal scale

  • 14 escalar

    1 to climb.
    Elsa escaló el monte Elsa climbed the hill.
    2 to increase, to move up, to augment, to escalate.
    Ellos escalaron los precios They increased the prices.
    3 to scale up, to increase.
    Ellos escalaron las inversiones They scaled up the investments.
    4 to go climbing, to climb.
    Elsa y María escalaron ayer Elsa and Mary went climbing yesterday.
    5 to commit burglary.
    Ellos escalan en este barrio They commit burglary in this neighborhood.
    * * *
    1 (montaña) to climb; (pendiente) to scale
    2 (asaltar) to burgle
    3 figurado (subir) to climb; (armas, guerra) to escalate
    * * *
    1) to climb, scale
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) [+ montaña] to climb, scale
    2) [+ casa] to burgle, burglarize (EEUU), break into
    3) [en la escala social] to scale, rise to
    4) (Inform) (=reducir) to scale down; (=aumentar) to scale up
    2. VI
    1) [alpinista] to climb
    2) [en la escala social] to climb the social ladder, get on, go up in the world *
    3) (Náut) to call, put in (en at)
    4) (Mil, Pol) to escalate
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) <montaña/pared> to climb, scale; (en jerarquía, clasificación) to climb (up)
    2) (Inf) ( reducir) to scale down; ( aumentar) to scale up
    1) (Dep) to climb, go climbing
    2) (Náut)
    * * *
    = climb, spiral, scale.
    Ex. Stanton felt a bit like someone who, after boasting that she could dive into water from a great height has climbed to the height and dares not jump, but knows that she must jump.
    Ex. Hospital admissions doubled, out patient services quintupled, dental services quadrupled, and hospital births spiraled.
    Ex. You'll be scaling walls, jumping between rooftops, swinging on ropes, hanging from pipes, sliding under 4WDs and doing anything you can to avoid those zombies.
    * análisis escalar de Guttman = Guttman scale analysis.
    * análisis multidimensional escalar = multidimensional scaling analysis.
    * escalar una montaña = scale + mountain.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) <montaña/pared> to climb, scale; (en jerarquía, clasificación) to climb (up)
    2) (Inf) ( reducir) to scale down; ( aumentar) to scale up
    1) (Dep) to climb, go climbing
    2) (Náut)
    * * *
    = climb, spiral, scale.

    Ex: Stanton felt a bit like someone who, after boasting that she could dive into water from a great height has climbed to the height and dares not jump, but knows that she must jump.

    Ex: Hospital admissions doubled, out patient services quintupled, dental services quadrupled, and hospital births spiraled.
    Ex: You'll be scaling walls, jumping between rooftops, swinging on ropes, hanging from pipes, sliding under 4WDs and doing anything you can to avoid those zombies.
    * análisis escalar de Guttman = Guttman scale analysis.
    * análisis multidimensional escalar = multidimensional scaling analysis.
    * escalar una montaña = scale + mountain.

    * * *
    escalar [A1 ]
    1 ‹montaña/pared› to climb, scale
    la canción sigue escalando puestos en las listas the song is still climbing up the charts
    B ( Inf) (reducir) to scale down; (aumentar) to scale up
    ■ escalar
    A ( Dep) to climb, go climbing
    B ( Náut):
    escalar en un puerto to put in at a port
    Finnshipping escalará semanalmente en Barcelona Finnshipping will dock at o put in at Barcelona once a week
    * * *


    escalar ( conjugate escalar) verbo transitivomontaña/pared to climb, scale;
    (en jerarquía, clasificación) to climb (up)
    verbo intransitivo (Dep) to climb, go climbing
    I verbo transitivo to climb, scale
    II adjetivo Elec
    ♦ Locuciones: magnitud escalar, scalar quantitity
    ' escalar' also found in these entries:
    - climb
    - scale
    - ascend
    - spiral
    * * *
    1. [montaña, pared] to climb
    2. [en jerarquía, lista, ranking] to climb;
    ha escalado varios puestos en el ranking de la ATP he has risen several places in the ATP ranking
    1. [por montaña, pared] to climb
    2. [en jerarquía, lista, ranking] to rise
    * * *
    I v/t climb, scale;
    escalar un alto puesto rise to a high position
    II v/i climb
    * * *
    : to climb, to scale
    1) : to go climbing
    2) : to escalate
    * * *
    escalar vb to climb

    Spanish-English dictionary > escalar

  • 15 análisis

    m. s.&pl.
    1 analysis, inspection, investigation, examination.
    2 analysis, breakdown, dissection.
    3 assay.
    * * *
    1 analysis
    análisis de orina urine test
    análisis de sangre blood test
    * * *
    noun m.
    2) test
    * * *
    SM INV
    1) (=examen) analysis; [detallado] breakdown
    2) (Econ)
    3) (Med, Quím, Fís)
    4) (Ling) analysis, parsing
    5) (Inform)
    * * *
    masculino (pl análisis) analysis
    * * *
    = analysis [analyses, -pl.], assessment, probing, review, breakdown, calibration, close look, post mortem [postmortem], overview, academic study, surveying, testing.
    Ex. The operation of investigating a whole with the aim of finding out its essential parts and their relationship to each other is known as analysis.
    Ex. However, although the subject may be the primary consideration in the assessment of relevance, subject is not the only factor that determines whether a user wishes to be alerted to the existence of a document.
    Ex. Counselling requires much more time and in-depth probing, although it can at one extreme cover simply the act of lending a sympathetic ear to clients who, in externalizing their problems, may thus be better able to face them and arrive at a solution.
    Ex. The review is supported by a complete list of LIPs completed or in progess at Aug 88, followed by references to their reports.
    Ex. When she arrived at her boss's office at the appointed time, she learned why she had been asked for the breakdown of her day's activities.
    Ex. This requires careful calibration of reader response and the use of as many quantitative indices as possible.
    Ex. The article has the title 'A close look at Dewey 18: alive and well and living in Albany'.
    Ex. Survey research is used to determine what kind of post mortem appraisals companies undertake concerning their abandoned information systems development projects.
    Ex. Figure 16 on page 24 gives an overview of searching.
    Ex. Cyberculture is emerging as an interdisciplinary subject of academic study.
    Ex. The author describes one effort made to counter this trend, through the surveying of the records of a library and the identification of materials to be preserved.
    Ex. Attention has focussed on the labelling of foodstuffs and the testing and approval of food additives.
    * análisis bibliométrico = bibliometric analysis.
    * análisis cientométrico = scientometric analysis.
    * análisis cinematográfico = film analysis.
    * análisis cluster = cluster analysis.
    * análisis conceptual = conceptual analysis.
    * análisis crítico = critical eye, critical analysis.
    * análisis cualitativo = qualitative analysis.
    * análisis cuantitativo = quantitative analysis.
    * análisis de agrupamiento por cocitas = cocitation cluster analysis.
    * análisis de áreas del conocimiento = domain analysis.
    * análisis de citas = citation analysis.
    * análisis de cocitas = cocitation analysis.
    * análisis de cocitas de autores = author co-citation analysis.
    * análisis de componentes principales = principal component(s) analysis.
    * análisis de contabilidad = financial analysis.
    * análisis de contenido = content analysis, conceptual analysis.
    * análisis de coocurrencia de términos = co-word analysis.
    * análisis de correlación = correlation analysis.
    * análisis de costes = cost analysis.
    * análisis de costes-beneficios = cost-benefit analysis.
    * análisis de costos-beneficios = cost-benefit analysis.
    * análisis de dominios del conocimiento = domain analysis.
    * análisis de errores = error analysis.
    * análisis de grupo = cohort analysis.
    * análisis de laboratorio = laboratory analysis.
    * análisis de la colección = collection analysis.
    * análisis de la coocurrencia de palabras = co-word analysis.
    * análisis del contenido = document analysis, subject analysis, content analysis.
    * análisis del discurso = discourse analysis.
    * análisis del rendimiento = performance analysis.
    * análisis de necesidades = needs analysis.
    * análisis de regresión múltiple = multiple regression analysis.
    * análisis de rendimiento = performance test.
    * análisis de riesgos = risk analysis, risk assessment, risk evaluation.
    * análisis de sangre = blood test.
    * análisis de sistemas = system(s) analysis.
    * análisis detallado = close examination.
    * análisis de tendencias = trend analysis.
    * análisis de una muestra representativa = cross-sectional analysis.
    * análisis de varianza (ANOVA) = analysis of variance (ANOVA).
    * análisis diagnóstico = diagnostic test.
    * análisis discriminante = discriminant analysis.
    * análisis documental = document analysis, subject analysis.
    * análisis escalar = scaling analysis.
    * análisis escalar de Guttman = Guttman scale analysis.
    * análisis espacial = spatial analysis.
    * análisis estadístico = statistical analysis.
    * análisis estadístico multivariante = multivariate statistical analysis.
    * análisis facetado = facet analysis.
    * análisis factorial = factor analysis.
    * análisis formal de documentos = markup [mark-up].
    * análisis léxico = lexical analysis.
    * análisis literario = literary analysis.
    * análisis longitudinal = longitudinal analysis.
    * análisis más detallado = close attention.
    * análisis más minucioso = closer examination.
    * análisis minucioso = scrutiny, dissection, cross examination.
    * análisis morfológico = morphological analysis.
    * análisis multidimensional de clases = multidimensional cluster analysis.
    * análisis multidimensional escalar = multidimensional scaling analysis.
    * análisis multivariable = multivariate analysis, multivariate test.
    * análisis multivariante = multivariate analysis, multivariate test.
    * análisis municioso = close examination.
    * análisis por facetas = facet analysis.
    * análisis por género = gender analysis.
    * análisis químico = chemical analysis.
    * análisis sintáctico = syntactical analysis.
    * análisis topográfico = surveying.
    * análisis univariante = univariate test.
    * bloque funcional de análisis de contenido = subject analysis block.
    * centro de análisis de la información = information analysis centre.
    * lenguaje para el análisis formal de documentos web = markup language.
    * modelo de análisis de costes = cost model.
    * nuevo análisis = reanalysis [reanalyses, -pl.].
    * programa de análisis de ficheros de transacciones = log analysis software.
    * realizar un análisis = conduct + analysis.
    * realizar un análisis factorial = factor-analyse [factor-analyze, -USA].
    * segundo análisis = re-examination [reexamination].
    * SGML (Lenguaje Estándar Universal para el Análisis Formal de Documentos) = SGML (Standard Generalised Markup Language).
    * sistema para el análisis formal de documentos = markup code.
    * sistema para el análisis formal de documentos web = markup system.
    * superar un análisis minucioso = stand up to + scrutiny, stand up to + examination.
    * unidad de análisis = unit of study.
    * XML (Lenguaje Extensible para el Análisis de Documentos) = XML (Extensible Markup Language).
    * * *
    masculino (pl análisis) analysis
    * * *
    = analysis [analyses, -pl.], assessment, probing, review, breakdown, calibration, close look, post mortem [postmortem], overview, academic study, surveying, testing.

    Ex: The operation of investigating a whole with the aim of finding out its essential parts and their relationship to each other is known as analysis.

    Ex: However, although the subject may be the primary consideration in the assessment of relevance, subject is not the only factor that determines whether a user wishes to be alerted to the existence of a document.
    Ex: Counselling requires much more time and in-depth probing, although it can at one extreme cover simply the act of lending a sympathetic ear to clients who, in externalizing their problems, may thus be better able to face them and arrive at a solution.
    Ex: The review is supported by a complete list of LIPs completed or in progess at Aug 88, followed by references to their reports.
    Ex: When she arrived at her boss's office at the appointed time, she learned why she had been asked for the breakdown of her day's activities.
    Ex: This requires careful calibration of reader response and the use of as many quantitative indices as possible.
    Ex: The article has the title 'A close look at Dewey 18: alive and well and living in Albany'.
    Ex: Survey research is used to determine what kind of post mortem appraisals companies undertake concerning their abandoned information systems development projects.
    Ex: Figure 16 on page 24 gives an overview of searching.
    Ex: Cyberculture is emerging as an interdisciplinary subject of academic study.
    Ex: The author describes one effort made to counter this trend, through the surveying of the records of a library and the identification of materials to be preserved.
    Ex: Attention has focussed on the labelling of foodstuffs and the testing and approval of food additives.
    * análisis bibliométrico = bibliometric analysis.
    * análisis cientométrico = scientometric analysis.
    * análisis cinematográfico = film analysis.
    * análisis cluster = cluster analysis.
    * análisis conceptual = conceptual analysis.
    * análisis crítico = critical eye, critical analysis.
    * análisis cualitativo = qualitative analysis.
    * análisis cuantitativo = quantitative analysis.
    * análisis de agrupamiento por cocitas = cocitation cluster analysis.
    * análisis de áreas del conocimiento = domain analysis.
    * análisis de citas = citation analysis.
    * análisis de cocitas = cocitation analysis.
    * análisis de cocitas de autores = author co-citation analysis.
    * análisis de componentes principales = principal component(s) analysis.
    * análisis de contabilidad = financial analysis.
    * análisis de contenido = content analysis, conceptual analysis.
    * análisis de coocurrencia de términos = co-word analysis.
    * análisis de correlación = correlation analysis.
    * análisis de costes = cost analysis.
    * análisis de costes-beneficios = cost-benefit analysis.
    * análisis de costos-beneficios = cost-benefit analysis.
    * análisis de dominios del conocimiento = domain analysis.
    * análisis de errores = error analysis.
    * análisis de grupo = cohort analysis.
    * análisis de laboratorio = laboratory analysis.
    * análisis de la colección = collection analysis.
    * análisis de la coocurrencia de palabras = co-word analysis.
    * análisis del contenido = document analysis, subject analysis, content analysis.
    * análisis del discurso = discourse analysis.
    * análisis del rendimiento = performance analysis.
    * análisis de necesidades = needs analysis.
    * análisis de regresión múltiple = multiple regression analysis.
    * análisis de rendimiento = performance test.
    * análisis de riesgos = risk analysis, risk assessment, risk evaluation.
    * análisis de sangre = blood test.
    * análisis de sistemas = system(s) analysis.
    * análisis detallado = close examination.
    * análisis de tendencias = trend analysis.
    * análisis de una muestra representativa = cross-sectional analysis.
    * análisis de varianza (ANOVA) = analysis of variance (ANOVA).
    * análisis diagnóstico = diagnostic test.
    * análisis discriminante = discriminant analysis.
    * análisis documental = document analysis, subject analysis.
    * análisis escalar = scaling analysis.
    * análisis escalar de Guttman = Guttman scale analysis.
    * análisis espacial = spatial analysis.
    * análisis estadístico = statistical analysis.
    * análisis estadístico multivariante = multivariate statistical analysis.
    * análisis facetado = facet analysis.
    * análisis factorial = factor analysis.
    * análisis formal de documentos = markup [mark-up].
    * análisis léxico = lexical analysis.
    * análisis literario = literary analysis.
    * análisis longitudinal = longitudinal analysis.
    * análisis más detallado = close attention.
    * análisis más minucioso = closer examination.
    * análisis minucioso = scrutiny, dissection, cross examination.
    * análisis morfológico = morphological analysis.
    * análisis multidimensional de clases = multidimensional cluster analysis.
    * análisis multidimensional escalar = multidimensional scaling analysis.
    * análisis multivariable = multivariate analysis, multivariate test.
    * análisis multivariante = multivariate analysis, multivariate test.
    * análisis municioso = close examination.
    * análisis por facetas = facet analysis.
    * análisis por género = gender analysis.
    * análisis químico = chemical analysis.
    * análisis sintáctico = syntactical analysis.
    * análisis topográfico = surveying.
    * análisis univariante = univariate test.
    * bloque funcional de análisis de contenido = subject analysis block.
    * centro de análisis de la información = information analysis centre.
    * lenguaje para el análisis formal de documentos web = markup language.
    * modelo de análisis de costes = cost model.
    * nuevo análisis = reanalysis [reanalyses, -pl.].
    * programa de análisis de ficheros de transacciones = log analysis software.
    * realizar un análisis = conduct + analysis.
    * realizar un análisis factorial = factor-analyse [factor-analyze, -USA].
    * segundo análisis = re-examination [reexamination].
    * SGML (Lenguaje Estándar Universal para el Análisis Formal de Documentos) = SGML (Standard Generalised Markup Language).
    * sistema para el análisis formal de documentos = markup code.
    * sistema para el análisis formal de documentos web = markup system.
    * superar un análisis minucioso = stand up to + scrutiny, stand up to + examination.
    * unidad de análisis = unit of study.
    * XML (Lenguaje Extensible para el Análisis de Documentos) = XML (Extensible Markup Language).

    * * *
    A (de una situación, un tema) analysis
    hizo un análisis del problema he analyzed o carried out an analysis of the problem
    análisis de costo-beneficio or ( Esp) coste-beneficio
    cost-benefit analysis
    B ( Med, Quím) analysis
    hacerse un análisis de orina/sangre to have a urine/blood test
    clinical analysis
    spectrum analysis
    organic analysis
    C ( Ling) analysis
    discourse analysis
    grammatical analysis
    syntactic analysis
    D ( Mat) analysis, calculus
    E ( Psic) analysis
    * * *


    análisis sustantivo masculino (pl

    hacerse un análisis de sangre to have a blood test
    análisis m inv
    1 analysis
    2 Med test: tengo que hacerme unos análisis, I have to have some tests done

    ' análisis' also found in these entries:
    - detenido
    - factorial
    - microscópica
    - microscópico
    - negativa
    - negativo
    - ponderación
    - positiva
    - positivo
    - sintética
    - sintético
    - citología
    - comentario
    - concienzudo
    - dar
    - estudio
    - lúcido
    - blood test
    - breakdown
    - test
    - bear
    - blood
    - positive
    - right
    * * *
    análisis nm inv
    1. [de situación, problema] analysis;
    Com análisis del camino crítico critical path analysis; Esp Econ análisis coste-beneficio cost-benefit analysis; Econ análisis de costo-beneficio cost-benefit analysis;
    análisis cualitativo qualitative analysis;
    análisis cuantitativo quantitative analysis;
    Ling análisis del discurso discourse analysis;
    análisis de mercado market analysis
    2. [médico] analysis
    análisis clínico (clinical) test;
    análisis de orina urine test;
    análisis químico chemical analysis;
    3. Gram analysis
    análisis gramatical sentence analysis;
    análisis sintáctico syntactic analysis
    4. Informát analysis
    análisis de sistemas systems analysis
    5. Mat analysis
    6. Psi analysis
    * * *
    m inv analysis
    * * *
    : analysis
    * * *
    análisis n analysis [pl. analyses]

    Spanish-English dictionary > análisis

  • 16 para la evaluación de hipótesis

    Ex. Guttman scale analysis is a statistical technique designed both for selecting items to make up a unidimensional scale along which individuals may be scored, and as a hypothesis-testing technique for determining whether a set of individuals adequately fit a scale, or whether a scale adequately reflects observed response patterns.
    * * *

    Ex: Guttman scale analysis is a statistical technique designed both for selecting items to make up a unidimensional scale along which individuals may be scored, and as a hypothesis-testing technique for determining whether a set of individuals adequately fit a scale, or whether a scale adequately reflects observed response patterns.

    Spanish-English dictionary > para la evaluación de hipótesis

  • 17 unidimensional

    * * *
    1 one-dimensional
    * * *
    * * *
    adjetivo one-dimensional
    * * *
    Ex. Guttman scale analysis is a statistical technique designed both for selecting items to make up a unidimensional scale along which individuals may be scored, and as a hypothesis-testing technique for determining whether a set of individuals adequately fit a scale, or whether a scale adequately reflects observed response patterns.
    * clasificación unidimensional = monodimensional classification.
    * * *
    adjetivo one-dimensional
    * * *

    Ex: Guttman scale analysis is a statistical technique designed both for selecting items to make up a unidimensional scale along which individuals may be scored, and as a hypothesis-testing technique for determining whether a set of individuals adequately fit a scale, or whether a scale adequately reflects observed response patterns.

    * clasificación unidimensional = monodimensional classification.

    * * *
    * * *
    * * *
    adj one-dimensional

    Spanish-English dictionary > unidimensional

  • 18 шкала Гутмена

    Psychology: Guttman scale (тип шкал для тестов достижений, интеллекта, в которых предполагается, что задания упорядочены по трудности, а их выполнение испытуемыми описывается кривыми зависимости "задание-ответ")

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > шкала Гутмена

  • 19 шкала Гатмана

    Russian-english psychology dictionary > шкала Гатмана

См. также в других словарях:

  • Guttman scale — In statistical surveys conducted by means of structured interviews or questionnaires, a subset of the survey items having binary (e.g., YES or NO) answers forms a Guttman scale (named after Louis Guttman) if they can be ranked in some order so… …   Wikipedia

  • Guttman scale — A Guttman scale (sometimes also known as a scalogram analysis) consists of a set of dichotomous items with a simple unidimensional cumulative structure: a positive response to a higher item implies the same to all lower items, and individual… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • Guttman scale — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Guttman — scale …   Dictionary of sociology

  • GUTTMAN, LOUIS — (Eliahu; 1916–1987), sociologist. Born in New York, he was educated at the University of Minnesota, where he taught from 1936 to 1940. From 1941 to 1950 he taught at Cornell University; during the years 1941–45 he also served as an expert… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Guttman — is a surname. It may refer to:* Béla Guttman, a Hungarian football manager who led many successful teams * Eli Guttman, an Israeli football manager * Elizabeth Guttman, an American voice actress, actress, and singer with the stage name Elizabeth… …   Wikipedia

  • Scale (social sciences) — In the social sciences, scaling is the process of measuring or ordering entities with respect to quantitative attributes or traits. For example, a scaling technique might involve estimating individuals levels of extraversion, or the perceived… …   Wikipedia

  • Scale analysis (statistics) — In statistics, scale analysis is a set of methods to analyse survey data, in which responses to questions are combined to measure a latent variable. These items can be dichotomous (e.g. yes/no, agree/disagree, correct/incorrect) or polytomous… …   Wikipedia

  • Шкала Гуттмана (Guttman scale) — Понятие «кумулятивности» (последовательности) как желательном качестве шкалы было введено Л. Гуттманом. В ряде статей Гуттман развивал идеи и методы анализа шкал с позиции, требующей обязательного выполнения условий кумулятивного… …   Психологическая энциклопедия

  • Guttman-Modell — Die Guttman Skala (nach dem deutschstämmigen englischen Neurologen Ludwig Guttman bzw. Louis Guttman (1899 1980)) ist ein Skalierungsverfahren in der empirischen Sozialforschung, mit dem Einstellungen zu einer Sache (z. B. Personen,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Guttman-Skala — Die Guttman Skala (nach dem amerikanisch israelischen Sozialforscher Louis Guttman) ist ein Skalierungsverfahren in der empirischen Sozialforschung, mit dem Einstellungen zu einer Sache (z. B. Personen, Personengruppen, Verhaltensweisen) erfasst… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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